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About Asian Elevators

Asian Elevators help Extend the lifetime of your elevators by providing best in class maintenance services.

Our philosophy of maintenance is simple you should not wait for something to break down. We don't believe in artificially reducing costs and only working on equipment when it fails. We believe that keeping up with elevator preventative maintenance ensures equipment remains in service for as long as possible.

This saves our customers money over the long run and significantly extends the lifespan of their elevators. Our commitment to the highest level of preventative maintenance makes us one of the premier sources for commercial elevator maintenance in the industry.

Machine Room System (MR)

  • Asian Elevators Provides “best in class” ride quality on every equipment installed. Machine room passenger elevator is one of most popular product in both private and public sectors.
  • The Machine room is an area set aside for the elevator equipment such as controllers and mechanical unit.

Machine Roomless System (MRL)

  • The Machine room-less elevator is a great leap in technology. MRL elevator not only look fabulous in new constructions and major renovation projects but when compared to standard elevator equipment, it saves substantial construction space reducing building expenses and is upto 40% energy efficient. Its features include excellent reliability and durability, is oil free and operates silently.